Carnassial System

I am a traumagenic DID system, on the ASD spectrum and schizoaffective.


This is the carrd we use to list ourselves as a quick reference for others to refer to. Current as of December 20, 2021


We do change our twitter DN and use pluralkit as applicable, but for alters who use numbers rather names we may simply default to Jay or Jade out of habit. If its not the Actual Jay or Jade we'll probably use an asterisk to signal that.

Hosts, AKA the main fronters. You're most likely to be dealing with any co-con combination where at least one of us is present.


Jay (they/it)- The most influential host. Protector, stubborn, we joke a lot that Jay is a Sanemi kinnie but on that kin list is also Grimmjow and Ash Lynx.


Ruth (he/they)- one of the most lighthearted adult alters, and soother to the more fight mode alters. He's the one who goes on about potatoes a lot. Very ASD.


Jade (they/them)- self proclaimed anarcho-gardener. Is the one who goes on loud rants from time to time, despite generally being regarded as one of the softer alters when in a good mood. Suffers BPD.


Akaza (any pronouns)- A fictive, "the fictive" when we talk about them usually. Genderfluid, protector, and very outgoing. Is the member of the system who holds our core emotion of grief, but struggles showing sympathy. Very schizoaffective.

Other fronters- These alters may choose to front at times be it with or without reason, and have done so recently**

Within the past year


Aedh (they/it)- Emotionally stunted, resorts to anger when unable to identify emotions. Has no moral objection to hurting system members, but is learning to keep away from others. Slowly healing and learning to adjust with others better. Tactile and olfactory hallucinations. Loves the outdoors.


Ko (they/it)- Catgender, honestly. Is our worst Japanese speaker, as we are studying the language but Ko absorbs none of it. Is a bit of a memey brat, but suffers paranoia and bug hallucinations.


Rory (they/them)- Super chill dude. Just a bro. We treat Rory like a religious figure, but they don't really seem to want it. They're heavy on radical hedonism, but they preach for long term joy. Buddhist adjacent, but rejects the necessity of abandoning pleasures of the flesh. Got their name from "chicory".


Lucifer/Lux (he/him)- transmasculine alter who seems to be similar to 7 but without the gatekeeper role in the system. More social. Holds a lot of religious trauma, thus giving the hosts a bad feeling but he's a good dude, if a little flippant.


Sturm (he/she)- (formerly a hakuji fictive) a cow hybrid alter. Mostly level headed but has quite a temper underneath. Likes board games, was around for our middle school years as well as summer camp. Buddhist.


Sorrel (He/Him)- a fictive of both Sandalphon and Belial from GBF, mostly the former but has some traits from the latter. Bitter about more than a few things, but you can always get him to sit down for coffee. Rather quiet when he isn't passionate about something.

Trauma Responders- If one of us is fronting, chances are high that something is very wrong. Approach carefully if at all, we do not hesitate to protect ourselves first even if thaty means hurting others to ensure our own safety.


7 (they/them)- The Gatekeeper. Exists to shut down other system members when things get beyond control. We typically need to spend a few days emotionally and physically recovering after 7 fronts. Lacks empathy and sympathy, but has good intentions. We don't like letting 7 interact with others because they genuinely think they are doing good, but are a known bully.

Other Alters- Those of us who don't really like to front a whole lot. Might sometimes.


1 (It/Its)- Prideful and very know-it-all when well adjusted. Takes the form of a deep sea siren in the headspace, thus earning the derogatory nickname "fish" from Jay. Suffers extreme delusions, paranoia, and gorey hallucinations. Currently trying to learn how to handle itself without lashing out at others, struggling.


Lora (He/Him)- GNC lesbian, is a misandrist though. Has traits tying his identity to KNY's Obanai and Jigokuraku's Gabimaru. Very touch avoidant, holds strong trauma over physical abuse.


Vulpe (they/them)- We call Vulpe "the fox furry" sometimes. Another philosophical alter, but Vulpe's idea of hedonism is more immediate and whimsical. Really likes red beans, more than Jay does. Even more of a shameless flirt than Akaza is. Considers themself more delicate and refined than other alters though.


Borislava (she/they)- Slava for short. Is often irritable, but she really likes historical fiction, especially Golden Kamuy. Enjoys philosophy, also is a distanced OC introject. Changed her name from what the oc's had been.


13 (She/her)- The only cis in the system. Also the most dormant. She likes baking though, and is very soft and gentle. Firm when she needs to be though. She was once a soother, though her years of dormancy have made that moot.


M (They/Them)- An emotional trauma holder of feelings of being trapped. Resents the capacity of grief we have towards people who've hurt us.


Vahn (He/She/It)- An emotional part that started as a Tobias fictive from the animorphs series, but has since taken on a humanoid form similar to the BOTW2 iteration of Link with large hawk wings and the cursed arm ending in a hawk's talon. Not very talkative, enjoys freedom and is impulsive.

Littles- These alters are actual children. Self help circles often refer to something called an "inner child", but system littles are actual ego states that are stuck as children. We include our age slider in this category. Treat them the same way you would treat a child of their listed age(s).


12 (they/it)- Probably the only alter who's number matches their age. They also age slide lower. 12 is a little, but is also a sexual persecutor. Rehabilitating 12 is a difficult process, and we'd prefer very few people to interact with it for our safety, as 12 is known to make terrible decisions for our health and safety. An actual child who thinks it's only worth lies in sexual acts, so interpret the trauma there as you will.


Sen (they/them)- A very young child alter, though recently fused with another and gained more emotional processing power. Can now slide from infancy to young teens (14 oldest). Tends to be very outgoing when younger, much more muted when older. Used to get stuck speaking japanese due to studying it more back when they were a host in our teens, but has moved past that.


14 (she/they)- a child alter who had learned to reject the religion we were raised under. The youngest one of us to show homicidal wishes, but shes quiet and almost doll-like.


11 (they/them)- Age slider. Can range anywhere from toddler to body age. A bit bratty, and sometimes loses control of their age slides to get very small. A big crybaby, normally, and has huge pickle cravings.


Occa (He/They)- another child alter with a need for attention and rather bratty and proud. Likes interacting with people even if in the wrong ways. Seems to be a subsystem to Jay at the time of writing this so its hard to learn more.